My son turned three last week! I cannot believe how time flies. Once upon a time all he did was babble, could not blow a candle, and could not even sing "happy birthday." Now, he gets so giddy whenever he would hear the Birthday song and delights in blowing candles. Sometimes I want to tear up seeing how much he has developed.
He started going to school mid Februrary. I had to see first if he we will have struggles in attending a three hour class everyday. I was apprehensive and was quite sure we would have some difficulties. But he surprised me when during his first day in school, he just happily went with the teacher and stuck it out for the rest of the class. Of course there are days when it gets a little hard to make him take a bath and dress up because he wants to play. But once he sees we are infront of his school, he suddenly lights up, hands me his toy and happily goes down the car. I hope and pray that he will always have a good disposition towards school and learning.
Anyway, since this school year, I would say he is officially in school, we decided to hold a party for him with his classmates. The school has certain policies with regard to throwing parties. They want it just to be a simple one, as if it was a normal school day. I totally agree with that because I am not a fan of lavish celebrations. I appreciate intimate and simple gatherings more.
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The snack box contained homemade baked macaroni and a chocolate cupcake. |
Happy third birthday to our little pride and joy. We will always be here for you and we love you so much!