Saturday, March 17, 2012

My little boy is growing up fast!

I haven't been blogging since Rocco learned how to crawl.  I never thought  that I would actually be missing the days wherein he was just lying on his back or on his tummy, still not knowing how to crawl.  I was able to leave him in his playpen/ crib while I blogged or do surf.  Nowadays, it's a totally different story.  He hates staying in enclosed places that will restrict his mobility.  He enjoys playing on his huge floor mat in the living room.  He would rather play in the bed and would cry is heart out when he is inside his playpen.  He loves playing in Gymboree because of the space and he gets to interact with other kids.

I remember when he was still not crawling, I was anxious to see him crawl and wondered what it would be like.   Now we are on this stage.   He's been crawling, pulling himself up to stand and jumping to death.  My goodness, babies never run out of energy!  He has learned to straighten his legs real hard whenever we try to put him in his stroller, booster seat or car seat.  As for now, lending him the ipod or mobile phone does the trick.  For how long, that remains to be seen, LOL!    It does require a lot of energy taking care of him nowadays.  It is a different story when your child learns to crawl and stand ( what more when they start walking!).  There are days when I truly miss the little boy just lying on his back and just wiggling. Although tiring, it is also a fun experience as he starts to get curious with everything that he sees and hold on to and discover new things and tricks.  It is such a joy to witness all of his milestones.  I am lucky to be with him every step of the way and not missing anything.

Three months from now, he'll be a year old!  I can't believe I'm going to have a one year old boy soon!  As my friends say, it does get more tiring. Oh well, I guess that's what parenthood is all about.  There are no time-outs or days off.  It's a different challenge every day.  It's a 24x7 job - a job that is the most fulfilling and I'm, blessed to have this job :)

...Now the next challenge is  planning his 1st birthday... I'm pretty excited because I'm gonna be hands on in planning and executing it.  Not that it's gonna be a huge party.  We will just make it low key, celebrating with our  respective families and close friends... ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com



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