Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Artsy Fartsy

Ever since I have always loved doing arts and crafts, cooking and baking.  I attribute this to my Mom, Mama (Mom's mom) and to all of my aunts - Honeying (Tita Luz), Nanay Lily, and Tita Gigi.  Each of them have their special talents and have influenced me.

My mom loves collecting art pieces (paintings), cooks and bakes.  Mama used to own a bakeshop (Prairie Inn) in Greenhills, and later on in Katipunan back in the 80's. Honeying is an Interior Designer and was an Art teacher who taught me the basics of drawing when I was a little girl.  Nanay Lily is the voracious baker and cook who just whips up the BEST Eggpie.  Tita Gigi, loved to draw and bake as well.

I used to love to draw, but my talent is not as good as my other cousins ( i.e. my little cousins).   I remember enrolling in UP one summer after my HS graduation and was intimidated by my classmates who drew soooo well! To think I only enrolled in Basic Drawing, my classmates should have been in the advanced class.  I'm pretty sure I still have the skill, but I'll just reserve it when the time comes that I need to draw for my little boy, LOL!

Baking has always been my first love (more than cooking).  I spent a lot of Christmases watching Nanay Lily bake loads of Eggpies, pastillas, and chocolate cupcakes.  My mom taught me the best (in my opinion) chocolate chip walnut oatmeal cookie and russian cookie recipe.  We used to bake tons of it during the holidays and gave it as gifts.  When I was in college I also sold cookies and revel bars in school.  All this came to a halt when I became to busy and stressed out from work.  It took me years before I really considered baking again.  It was only when I had Rocco that my desire to bake again was ignited.  I want to be one of those moms who did their child's birthday treats.  Hence, I took classes in Heny Sison to start it off.  I already did a blog on the Themed cupcakes.  My latest class was on Basic Fondant since Rocco will turn one this coming June.  I so loved the class and enjoyed it so much!  How I wish I could decorate more cakes, but we were only allowed one.

Anyway, here is the cake that I made for my Rocco.

For a list of class at Heny Sison, check out:

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