Friday, June 28, 2013

Toddler School: My son's Summer class experience

Even before I gave birth to Vito, I was already planning to have Rocco attend Summer School.  I pictured it to be our time together since I knew that I would be busy taking care of a new baby.  Things did take a different direction (with Vito passing away at 33 weeks) and accompanying Rocco to Summer School last May was part of the healing process.  I got to divert my attention and focused my energy on Rocco.

I enrolled Rocco in the Integrated School for Young Children (ISYC) in Marikina in their Summer Program.   I was looking for a school in my area (Antipolo/ Marikina) and came across a couple of good reviews on ISYC.  I visited their website, called the school and scheduled a school tour.  What I initially liked was that the I was able to directly speak to one of the school owners, teacher Leah who was very accommodating.  

During my visit, I was pretty surprised that they are not located in some old house or building that was converted into a school.  ISYC has a two-storey building equipped with a mini outdoor playground, and a pretty big multi-purpose hall.  All classrooms are air conditioned.  They have ample security and yayas to assist the children. Teacher Leah had us briefly observe one of the Toddler Class as well. On the same day,  we signed up for their Summer Playgroup Class.  The total fee was P5,500 covering a total of  eight sessions every M-W-F (the last day was a culminating activity for all the Summer classes) for three weeks from 9am to 10:30am.  The fee was reasonable comparing it to what I used to pay when Rocco was going to Gymboree, which was around 4k for a once a week class for 4 weeks.   Teacher to student ratio is 1:5, and the child needs to be accompanied by one adult.  Majority of their graduates would be going to Ateneo and Miriam, which is a good indication of the quality of education that they have.

On the first day of school, Teacher Leah provided us with the Syllabus, as well as the schedule that we would follow throughout the program. They had free play, circle time (singing and dancing), activities focused on shape recognition and story telling time.  I think I was the one more excited for Rocco to go to school than he was.   I also never imagined that it was going to be a little challenging.  There were good and bad days.  There were days when he would cry because he didn't want to stay inside the classroom or would want to eat his snack or he didn't want to do the activity.  But we were able to surpass those, thank God! 

The culminating activity, which was held on their last day, was a testament that he did somehow enjoy going to school and was ready to showcase the things he learned.  I was one proud momma (even if he was the only one who refused to sit down while performing), beaming with pride with what my little boy accomplished. I was secretly stopping tears from falling.  They were handed their certificates of attendance and we were each given a clear book containing all their artworks and a music CD that contained all of the songs that they sang in class.

I was satisfied with Rocco's summer experience in ISYC and am looking forward to enrolling him in their Toddler class when he turns three next year. I was informed though that I should apply as early as December since the classes get filled up easily.  The tuition fee is at 75k, which I think is one of the highest here in our area, but looking at their facilities and the quality of education, it is fairly reasonable.  Now it's time to start saving!

Outdoor Playgound
First day of school: Rocco loved jumping on the trampoline.
First day of school: Rocco playing with the letters.

Free play

Teacher Michelle had to give an impromptu snack time.

One of Rocco's artworks.
Free play.  Teach Michelle just taking solo pictures of the kids because it was impossible to get a decent class picture.
Practicing the day before their culminating activity.

ISYC Summer Culminating Activity
Far right: there goes my son who refused to sit down :) 
My son performing, standing ;)

ISYC website:

Yabu found me!

Look what found its way to Yabu's SM Aura wall!  It's my 2011 post on their very first branch in SM Megamall.  Thanks to my aunt for letting me know and for sending me a picture!  

I'm a sucker for anything Katsu and Yabu just satisfies my cravings.  My hubby and I are huge fans of this resto that there was a time wherein we ate in their Magnolia branch every weekend!  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Toddler activity: Color recognition

Since Rocco is already familiar with the alphabet and numbers, I thought it would be a good start to do color recognition.  My first attempt was to use a couple of bins containing blocks of the same color, but that didn't catch my son's attention.  For this activity, I just printed the different shapes and cut out exactly the same shapes so that Rocco could start matching the shapes and their corresponding colors. I placed it on a clear plastic so that we could use it over and over again. So far so good.  Every time he sees the clear book, he would immediately start matching the shapes and colors. We still need to work on articulation, though.  But that's ok, teaching does require a lot of practice and patience.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Toddler activity : Our DIY Father's day card

Father's day is just around the corner and I thought of having Rocco make a card for Daddy on this special day.  I was inspired by the activities he did in summer school and was confident that Rocco will have a blast doing this.  He loves doing puzzles and enjoys identifying the letters of the Alphabet as well as the different shapes.  It's also a great way to practice his speech.  Actually, he was already tinkering with the materials while I was busy preparing for this activity.  

I'll probably do more activities like this for him since he enjoyed it so much.

Materials used:Brown folder, letter templates, colored paper

Materials used: Glue, brush, different shapes from my scrapbooking days, scissors

Card Cover: I traced the letters (D and A) and shapes (triangle, circle and a heart)

Inside the card: We love you Dad!  I included two fishes (my hubby loves fishes) to symbolize myself and Rocco.

Rocco's tray.  Let's begin making D's card!

Rocco having fun pasting the shapes and letters.

Now there's a star!

Rocco working on properly pasting the fish.

Our finished product!  Now someone is trying to put some glue on his face, haha!

Reviewing his work.Satisfied!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Toddler activity: Fun with flour (and water)

This is my third attempt to make my son play with flour (and water).  The first two, he just played with it for a couple of minutes and completely ignored it afterwards.  Today was a success! He enjoyed the texture of the flour and tried to also spoon some in the little cup that I provided him.  To make it more exciting I added a little water to make it sticky and gooey.  He ended up looking like he had a flour fight with someone, which was my goal - for him to get down and dirty and discover different textures.

I had so much fun watching him enjoy this activity and am glad that I didn't give up.

    Here he is scooping some flour.  I should get a bigger tub!

   Getting down and dirty was the plan.


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